Why we need to get back to our roots
With all this technology and our ability to build a culture that is far more obsessed with success than it is with how we treat one another we need to get back to our fundamental roots. The western world is built on Christian values. I do fundamentally believe this. I do also understand that many examples of christianity are bad. I mean for goodness sake take a look at Donald Trump holding up a bible at the beginning of 2020.
But I do believe many of these so called “Christians” are not doing what the scripture suggests we should be doing. I’m glad the pastor of the church Trump stood outside disassociated themselves from Trump’s antics. This type of pap show off technique is designed to embolden Trump’s base. Ignorance of the scripture is the reason why it appeals to them I believe.
Fundamentally, from the 3 years of studying and experiencing the religion, I have found it to be at it’s core based on love. Love that big old word is also based on many other aspirational emotions. The ones in which I have heard the most are of kindness, gentleness and patience. These are what they call the fruits of the spirit. Spirit being your inner being. Anyway back to the topic, we need to pull back these values into our reality and express them in how we interact with one another. Trumpian politics should not be happening in 2020. I hope it was just a blip but I fear the same old circumstances in our society exist.
Huge inequality, rapid technological progress (more inequality basically) and huge mental health side effects from our use of this technology on a 24/7 basis. It makes for a cauldron of all the opposites of the fruit above. Jealousy, anger, feeling left out, bad behaviour.
But this means rules. Yes rules ladies and gentlemen. RULES. Oh no dreaded rules! Like having a referee in a football match or lines on the pitch or a place for the goals or positions or no hand balls. Oh wait football would be dog poop if there were no rules. Yes people and this applies to life too!!! We have to have rules, we have to have boundaries, we have to have a referee in which we play the game of life. At the moment the rules seem to be up in the air.
Why get married? Why be kind to each other? Why be polite? Why wait our turn? Why be patient? Why not just take what we want, beat the enemy to the punch, turn everyone else into a loser and you into a winner. Why not have a million girlfriends? Why not just tell people exactly what you think from that angry place you hold onto so dearly!
Can you see the difference? We are building a society based on a lack of inner peace, inner love, inner hope. Everything we build comes from that place whether a website or a house or a family. And I believe we can only truly get there with god. Anyone who knew me 5 or 6 years ago would scoff at me saying this now. But I can only tell you without god I would not be able to get anywhere near the very little I produce in fruit at the moment.