Starting a Youtube Channel (Week 1)
I have decided that this year is all about finances. But I thought this post was about youtube? It is, but this is where the story begins. For years I have slaved away in Finance thinking this was the best bet I had at making anything with my life, for years I thought the pay off would be worth it in the end, but the closer I get to the apple pie, the more I realise the pay offs in the company I am in currently are not that substantial, especially for the ridiculous graft you have to put in to get anything back.
So I have decided I need to find other revenue streams to kick me up a gear into the financially strong category. Currently I have one revenue stream and that is my job, which for the sheer effort and graft I have put in should be about 10x what I am on currently. Sigh. This will never change any time soon.
So I have been looking into alternatives. Maybe there is a skill I can share? I have already come to the conclusion that I make a pretty good coach or teacher from interactions in the business environment but revenue from either of these sources is pretty scarce. This is where youtube comes in.
From reading multiple sites, there is a chance that by becoming a youtuber I may be able to make some sort of money. I believe my talents are in training people and studying and analysing situations, circumstances, products etc. So I think my feedback via an informed medium would be highly regarded. I may not become a sensation, but I may in fact make an extra 5 or 10k which I could put toward a house or stocks or whatever. Well first my debts.
So aim is to do a video a day, give or take for the first year to up my profile and develop some skills in video development. I want to be able to smash out a video a very high quality video a week so doing one a day for 2021 will hopefully provide me with enough training to get me to that point. Interacting these videos with my studies for the CFA should also help me develop the teaching skills that I am after.
May I just add in here that god is great! Literally couldn’t have got here without him.
Anyway moving forward my plan for a video a day has already taken hold. I have ordered a recording arm for my youtube videos (which I will attach to my desk) and I have already discovered a few tips on angles and lighting which I will be putting to work. Next steps after this will be to start filming some examples of my studying as I go. One a day of a bout 5 or 10 minutes should give me enough training to keep me moving along but shouldn’t overtake my life, which I hope it won’t given the current commitment to studying. CFA level 2 is my life for the next 5 months, so to make my videos about these may or may not help people with their studies.
I guess from there once I am putting out content using the correct lighting angles, sound and a bit of editing I can then start thinking about upgrading. I always think its best to start off small and see how you get on. If it really is something you consistently stick with then why not spend the extra cash to improve whatever you are doing. Otherwise you’re just wasting it.
Anyway hopefully this will provide one revenue stream. I’m also going to start blogging and seeing if I can create another revenue stream this way. Again I think the focus will be on the CFA. Maybe if I write the ideas out here first it will give me ample material for my videos. Good idea! Here’s to me! haha
Anyway I’ll end it there. Hope ya’ll have a great 2021! Peace and love x