Poem 1
A system that’s designed to make us all behave
Fall in line don’t question anything lest it be immoral
Doesn’t matter if some schools are underfunded to keep you in your place
Others to be given more to bolster up the race
Segregation of people is a very tough space
To occupy morally as if it’s “just the way it is”
Some people are born that way “I guess that’s how it is?”
I refuse to believe in a world that emancipates the poor, through drugs, crime, lack of education and without a helping hand.
They are not brother nor are sisters they’re not people you’ve been told to understand.
I heard a man a while ago who said “well they were poor” when discussing Grenfell Tower.
It took all my strength not to lose it with the guy or getting very sour.
I turned and asked so what do they deserve to die?
He looked at me blankly with a glint of evil in his eye.
I think he really does believe that people born into poverty. Deserve what they get for being a scourge on society.
Individual responsibility is all you really need, to make this world a better place you have to start with me.
That’s all well and good telling someone to do that, but what happens if destruction is all they have ever known.
What great leader ever said we should leave them on their own.
Fight for yourselves is the tone.
“Fight for yourselves you basket of deplorables”,
“I’m all high and mighty now I’ve made it to the podium”.
Screw these guys they have little in the way of offering, turn to something pure in spirit that it is like a fountain in a dessert.
Overflowing, generous, peaceful omnipresent.
People should not be idolised, they’re only human beings.
Some with more faults than others but many disguised but underneath are thieves.
Anyway I could go on and on about the current state of affairs.
It’s easier to write it down than pulling out my hair.