My Mental Health DiaryI was about to write to say that this was day 1 of my mental health diary, but in all honesty its more like day 1000.Nov 24, 2022Nov 24, 2022
The Rational for God.Does god exist is a pretty existential question. It is pretty popular today, from the content I see, to believe that he doesn’t. How could…Jan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021
A crisis in morality…Today’s age is riddled with immorality. It’s not something much discussed. Whether the actions you are about to perform are really the best…Jan 5, 2021Jan 5, 2021
Money doesn’t grow on trees but if it did, you’d find it in a Sustainable Investment FundAll cameras are at a UN Summit and Greta Thunberg is addressing the world and sticking it to the establishment. “You are not doing enough”…Jan 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021
Will we recover from the Donald?We are still living in unprecedented times. The leader of the free world intent on destroying democracy by eroding away the image of the…Jan 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021
The Importance of Cain and AbelWhy do biblical stories like this still matter today?Jan 4, 2021Jan 4, 2021
How are we so deficient of peace?I read a post on Facebook today which saddened my heart. A young woman wanting to end her life. I won’t name her but needless to say it’s a…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
We live in a time of social justice — but who gives you the authority to decide what is right and…When we take a look at the current political climate, it is very easy to see that we are completely divided. Half of us want one thing the…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021
The Stock Market is Overpriced but will it ever tank again?I’ve been thinking and saying it for the best part of 3 or 4 years. The stock market is overpriced, housing prices are too high, the market…Jan 2, 2021Jan 2, 2021